Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It’s interesting how you can be in a room full of people yet feel alone – better still when your head is full of voices yet you’re all alone... The burden you bear no one understands; But how do you protect the wind from harm? If you keep it in a jar you take away its essence – yet letting it free, you risk losing it to the currents… losing its uniqueness, the very thing that makes it yours – your wind, your heart… what does it mean to protect your heart… if you jar it up, you’ll never find love – then what’s the point of having one? Still I understand that to let it free would be to risk breaking it, betraying it…

Its easy to shut out the world, to let people in as far as it takes to fill their shallow greed… and still keep your soul locked away, the part of you that can be broken – the gems, the treasures… the memories that if ever reached could give another the power to make you fall to your knees… I understand… perhaps it is because I am similar, not as far-gone as you are… but similar. So I’ll say this once, but only once because its all that my pride would allow – I’m not one to be satisfied by the easy things… the surface crust holds neither victory nor honor for me… but to understand another, to see them for the truth that they are… good and bad, to accept them… to hug ‘em when they are smelly and no one else will – to be the only one still waiting, still cheering, when the crowds are gone and they are the last to cross the finish line – these things take time to earn, but that’s what I’m here to do – to earn.

That said, I know this isn’t the last time circumstances like this will come up – who knows what the next one will look like. But for my sake, for whatever honor it is that I have left in your eyes – consider my writing today before you discard my integrity so quickly.

Akin O.

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